Sunday, March 23, 2025


 Weekly Opinion Editorial


by Steve Fair

     A victim is described as a person who suffers because of some adverse act by another person.  Victims are duped, tricked, swindled or deceived by others. 

     In modern America, many believe they are victims based on the color of their skin, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, gender or indebtedness.  They hold a pity party and cry about how everything and everyone in their life is predatory toward them. 

     The solution to modern victimhood seems to be to shout louder about your victimhood.  Moral authority in modern culture is directly proportional to how many ways a person can claim to have been to have been victimized.  The more victim categories people are in, the more empowered and authoritative they are.  Pick the right victim level and you can have a ‘free pass’ to do and say almost you want in modern America.  Three observations:

     First, there are real victims.  There are those in society who experience harm as victims of crime, abuse, natural disasters, and social injustice.  It is important a society acknowledge and address their needs.  Showing compassion and understanding to those who in need is a mark of a civilized Christian society.   Throughout the Bible, oppressing innocent victims is condemned by God.  People do suffer unjust evil at the hand of others.    

     Second, there are fake victims.   There are those who falsely portray themself as a victim to gain sympathy, attention, or to manipulate others for personal gain.  They falsely accuse others of wrongdoing and fabricate stories to promote themselves.  These self-entered, conceited narcissists never take personal responsibility for their actions.  The actions of "fake victims" undermine the credibility of genuine victims.  It makes it more difficult for true victims to receive support and justice. 

     Third, there are no victims.  Jesus, who was the ultimate innocent victim, did not adopt a victim mentality.  He recognized God is sovereign over all things.  Jesus (1) trusted the Father, (2) did not repay evil for evil, and (3) loved His enemies. Playing the victim can distort reality, damage relationships and suck the joy out of life.  Embracing a philosophy that everything happens for a reason is biblical.  John MacArthur says, “The default position of all fallen human beings is to blame someone else for our condition, blame someone else for our issues, and blame someone else for our troubles. We say to ourselves: I’m basically a good person but I’ve been affected by bad people.“ MacArthur says those who paint themselves as a  victim seek to avoid facing their own shortcomings.   

     Victimhood drives modern morality and politics.  Identity politics divides society into victims and oppressors.  Liberals and conservatives perceive different victims.   In the past, calling yourself a victim was synonymous with weakness.  Now it is used to gain an advantage over your opponent.  Playing the victim is cowardly.  Blaming events, circumstances in the past as a reason to misbehave in the present is spineless and shows weak character.

     Holocaust survivor and author Edith Eger, 97, says, “Suffering is universal, but victimhood is optional.”  


Sunday, March 16, 2025


 Weekly Opinion Editorial


by Steve Fair

     “Should you be eating that?” people ask.  While trying to be helpful, they come across as bossy, overbearing, and intrusive.   The food police are everywhere- external and internal.  The internal judgmental voices in your head that condemn you for eating a piece of cake and those eternal self-righteous, pharisaic do-gooders who try to protect yourself from yourself.  The internal police you control- the external not so much.  In America, what you eat is under bi-partisan attack.

     Ten Republican led state legislatures are currently considering barring SNAP (Food Stamp) recipients from using their benefits to buy candy, soda and other items that are high in sugar and fat.  Similar federal legislation was considered in Feb. 2024 that would have done the same thing.  “American tax dollars should not be used to pay for junk food and endanger the health of the most vulnerable Americans. The fastest way to Make America Healthy Again is to encourage balanced diets and stop subsidizing unhealthy food choices," U.S. Senator Mike Lee, (R-Utah) says. 

     The Oklahoma state legislature has gotten into the act.  Senate bill # 4, (SB4), authored by Sen. Kristen Thompson, (R-Edmond), would ban 21 specific food ingredients in Oklahoma.  SB4 passed the Republican controlled Agriculture and Wildlife Committee by a 10-1 vote and now goes to the full Senate for consideration.  Only one lone Republican opposed it in committee.  SB4 has the exact same language as dystopian laws in California and Vermont.  Three observations:

     First, the government has no right to tell citizens what to put in their body.  The irony is that many of the same people who pitched a fit about mandatory COVID vaccines support telling people how to eat.  What inconsistency and hypocrisy! Liberty and freedom preaching zealots telling you what to eat expose their socialist side.     

     Second, the food police put undue burden on the food industry.  Ingredients bans, required declarations, warnings and other state mandates currently cost the industry (and ultimately the consumer) billions.  Some food processors elect to withdraw or not do business in states where the volume doesn’t warrant the increased packaging costs.  Consumers in those states have less choices and less freedom.

     When the feds last year were mandating what could be purchased with food stamps, the National Grocers Association (NGA) issued the following statement: “No consumer purchases have ever been subjected to this Orwellian level of snooping by the Federal government, and it would set a terrifying precedent of intruding on the most private areas of our lives.”    

     The temptation to restrict what recipients of SNAP can buy presents an ethical/moral dilemma for conservative Republicans:  Do they really believe in individual liberty or do they attach strings to a gift?  Sadly, many abandon their principles and side with special interests.

     Third, SB4 is unnecessary and intrusive.  The disappointing thing is Republicans authored it and passed it- not northeast liberals.  Oklahoma has become California.  It’s not likely any of the legislators who voted for SB4 campaigned on banning food ingredients.  Unnecessary cookie cutter legislation crafted by special interests is introduced by clueless lawmakers who campaign on seeking wise counsel from constituents, but never do.

     Evelyn Tribole,  the author of six books on cooking and health, says, "Unless you killed the chef, there is no morality or guilt in what you eat.” 

Just say No to the Food Police in Oklahoma!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

In a Golden Age, Ds will complain because everythings YELLOW!

 Weekly Opinion Editorial


by Steve Fair

     On Tuesday night, President Trump addressed a joint session of Congress.  In the hour and 40-minute speech, the president proclaimed, “America is back!”  He praised Elon Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) for the cuts they have made in the government’s footprint.  Trump detailed many of his actions since he was sworn into office six weeks ago.  Throughout the speech, Trump was cheered by Republicans and jeered by the Democrats.  Many political pundits- on both sides of the aisle- called Trump’s speech, “brilliant, vivid, and a great hit speech.’”  Trump was just Trump- loud, boisterous, and high energy.  Three observations:

     First, Democrats looked mad.  From Rep. Al Green’s (D-TX) disrupting of the speech and being removed from the chamber to members holding up signs with political messages, the optics the Ds projected was anger.  Anger and indignation should be reserved for marches and protests, not a joint session of Congress presidential address.  Democrats didn’t applaud the 13-year-old cancer survivor Trump introduced during his speech.  Many rank-and-file Democratic members privately criticized their leadership for telling them to sit on their hands.

     Sen. Elissa Slotkin, (D-MI) delivered the Democratic response speech.  Spending the majority of her brief 10-minute presentation attacking Trump, Musk, and Republicans, Slotkin concluded by exhorting Democrats to: (1) Don’t tune out, (2) Hold elected officials accountable, and (3) Organize.  Good advice for all Americans.  The problem is elected Democrats are out of touch with America.  A CBS News poll (hardly a conservative source) conducted after the speech found a majority of viewers approved of Trump’s speech.  

     Americans are heeding Albert Einstein’s advice who said, "Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution."  Negative people are only happy when they bring you down to their level. 

     Second, Trump loves political theatre.  It was the longest speech by a president to Congress in 61 years.  Waxing long and eloquent, Trump was informal and humorous.  The spectacle of the Democrat’s annoyance and crossness made Trump look good.  One of the president’s strengths is his ability to not get rattled under pressure.  Trump pointed to the Ds and stated: “these guys wouldn’t give me credit if I found a cure for a deadly disease.”  That comment was met with stone-faced, expressionless looks by the elist self-enthralled leftists.  Trump feeds off the reaction of his listening audience- positive or negative.  His style is politically unconventional, but in November Americans showed they are sick and tired of traditional politics.     

     Third, is America entering a golden age?  President Trump claims it is.  He ended his Tuesday speech saying, “My fellow Americans, get ready for an incredible future because the golden age of America has only just begun.”  What exactly is a ‘golden age?”  It is defined as a period of great happiness, prosperity and achievement.  

     America has many challenges.  A recent Pew Research poll found inflation the issue most Americans are most concerned about, followed closely by the unwillingness of elected officials to deal with it.  Americans are tired of empty promises.  They want action.  They want radical change.  That is why Trump was swept into office. 

     Americans are tired of living in a Dark Age.  They can use a little light.  When America enters the golden age, Democrats will probably complain because everything will be too yellow. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sausage Making is not a Spectator Sport!

 Weekly Opinion Editorial


by Steve Fair

     Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a former entertainer.  He played the part of the president in a popular Ukrainian TV show titled, “Servant of the People.’  He was elected by a landslide in 2019 after helping create the political Party title the same as his TV show- Servant of the People.   Zelenskyy’s presidential campaign was unconventional.  He used social media, stand-up comedy, and a YouTube channel to reach voters.  His message was anti-establishment and anti-corruption.  His campaign tag line was: “Bringing professional, decent people to power.”  He had little policy experience and had not sought public office before.

    This week, Zelenskyy visited the White House with the stated purpose to negotiate an end to the three-year war with Russia.  It didn’t go well.  Zelenskyy and President Trump got into a very public dispute.  Tempers flared and Zelenskyy was asked to leave the White House.  Reactions in the U.S. and around the world varied.  Three observations:

     First, Russia is America’s sworn enemy.  In the aftermath of WWI, the Soviet Union was formed as a Communist/Marxism form of government.  The U.S. opposed the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and its ideology and the Communist leaders who came to power never forgot it.  Even though Russia and the U.S. fought together as allies against Nazi Germany, tensions persisted throughout WWII.  Following WWII, the Cold War began.  It was a period of competition and confrontation between the U.S. and Russia, marked by espionage, wars over the spread of communism and the build-up of nuclear arms.  President Reagan’s ‘peace through strength’ strategy resulted in the eventual economic collapse and breakup of the old Soviet Union.  But leadership in Russia has remained steadfast in their goal of destroying America’s capitalism economic system and reuniting the old Soviet Union.  No matter how friendly they appear, Russia remains America’s sworn enemy.

     Second, the Ukrainian government is corrupt.  Corruption goes back to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.  Politicians, organized crime and oligarchs seized the country’s vast natural resources as their own.  The U.S. State Department described Ukraine government as a Kleptocracy or Thievocracy- a government whose leaders use their power to steal the wealth of their people. 

Make no mistake- bribery, graft, and payola are alive and well in Ukraine.   

    Zelenskyy is not a noble champion of democracy, but unfortunately his acceptance as a champion of freedom and justice is bipartisan.  Democrats and Republicans alike are big fans of the smooth talker.  But since the war started with Russia, Zelenskyy has outlawed eleven opposition political Parties and invoked martial law.  He is ruling in his country as an unelected dictator. 

     An audit a year ago by Zelenskyy’s own defense secretary found $262 million dollars of fraud and kickbacks by members of the military and parliament.  Most of that money came from American taxpayers.  President Trump puts the amount of aid at $350 billion thus far- other sources claim it is ‘only’ $182 billion.  But whatever the number, the United States has sent more money to Ukraine than it cost to fight the Vietnam war.

     Third, Russia needs Ukraine’s resources.  That is Putin’s motivation and the primary reason he invaded Ukraine.  He needs their agricultural production to feed the Russian people.  Russia needs their natural gas, oil, and minerals.  He grew weary of trying to negotiate and decided he would simply take it.  Diplomacy almost always works when all sides seek a workable solution, but when talks broke down, Putin deployed troops. 

     The Russians and the Ukrainians share a language, a religion, and history, but it been far from brotherly.  Ukraine and Russia both trace their origins to Kyivan Rus’, an early medieval state formed in the ninth century.  Lenin had to fight a very strong Ukrainian national movement during a civil war waged from 1917-1921 to keep Ukraine in the Soviet Union.  Many Ukrainians believe Putin wants to eliminate their right to exist and identify as a separate people.

     Last week, Americans saw how the sausage is made.  The practical and often unpleasant, messy aspects of a process usually not made public were on display.  Some Americans were appalled/embarrassed/ashamed by President Trump and Vice President Vance’s behavior toward Zelenskyy and his being asked to leave the White House.  Zelenskyy played the victim because his goal is to get more of American taxpayer dollars.  This week, Americans learned that sausage making is not a spectator sport.   

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Weekly Opinion Editorial


by Steve Fair

     Since January 20th, President Trump has signed 73 Executive Orders (EO)- 26 on his first day.  That is more than any recent president has signed in their first 100 days.  Trump signed a total of 220 EOs in his first term.  

     What is an Executive Order?  An EO is a directive by the president issued to agents of the executive branch.  An EO can have a binding force of law upon federal agencies and do not require approval of Congress.  They are however subject to judicial review and interpretation.  Every president except William Henry Harrison has issued EOs.  Harrison was in office only 32 days when he died. The most famous EO was Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which granted freedom to slaves.  Franklin Roosevelt signed the most EOs.  For years the Heritage Foundation have accused presidents of abusing EOs by using them to make law with congressional approval and moving existing laws away from their original intent.  Three observations:

     First, the U.S. president is not a king.  The founders refrained from making the Presidency into the image of the British monarchy, which they had just gained independence from. Instead, they created an executive who had to be both responsive and accountable to the citizenry and balanced against the other two branches of government.  While the president has broad authority, they are not a sovereign dictator.

     The founders debated for three weeks on what to call the nation’s chief executive.  Some wanted to call George Washington the Chief Magistrate.  Some preferred King.  One proposal for the title was Protector of the Liberties of the People of the USA.   The Senate thought president was a title that wouldn’t be taken serious by other countries, but ultimately agreed.  Today, the President of the United States is the most powerful position in the world.   

     Recently, main stream media and certain of those who oppose Trump and his policies are claiming his use of EOs has made him a dictator/monarch.  Republican elected officials are encountering hostile constituents at Town Hall meetings, which is nothing new.  CNN released a poll showing 52% of Americans disapprove of Trump’s first month in office.  Liberals are always attempting to gaslight Americans, so take most of what you hear and see in the media with a grain of salt.  Trump’s policies will likely work if given time.

     Second, EOs are overused.  Executive Orders have increased as years went by.  EOs were meant to be issued within the narrow confines of Article II of the Constitution.  That changed with President Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican.  He signed 1,100 EOs, almost as many as the previous 100 years combined.  21st century presidents have issued EOs with more frequency because the country is polarized and getting laws passed is next to impossible.  That is because negotiation, deal making, compromise, accommodation, and collaboration have become dirty words in politics.  Working across the aisle for the betterment of the masses has become nonexistent.  Elected officials come home and boast to constituents of accomplishing nothing by standing up to the other side.  The result is gridlock and more EOs by the executive branch.

     Third, the use of EOs makes consistency impossible.  President Biden opens the border with an EO- Trump closes it.  When Biden entered office, he rescinded a record 42 of Trump’s EOs in his first 100 days.  Trump flipped them back when he was re-elected.  Both justify the action because Congress is dysfunctional and the only way something gets done is by EO. 

     The framers of the Constitution did not consecrate power in one office.  They set up a democratic representative form of government that gave the real power to the people.  If voters will hold federal elected officials accountable by calling out grandstanding and showboating by do nothings, EOs will not be as prevalent. If EOs continue to be the law of the land, then perhaps the title of president be changed to potentate.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Parents need to take responsibility for education!

 Weekly Opinion Editorial


by Steve Fair

     The Oklahoma state Board of Education (BOE) is composed of six members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the State Senate and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.  Members must have a minimum of a high school education.  They serve staggered six-year terms with one member’s term expiring every year.  There must be one member from each of the five congressional districts and one at large member.  There can’t be two members from the same county.  Members serve with no compensation, but do get reimbursed for their travel expenses.  The State Superintendent of Public Instruction serves as chair of the body.   

     The current makeup of the board wasn’t always the case.  From statehood until 1971, the board was composed of the State Superintendent, the Governor, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General.  When David Hall was governor, the Democratic controlled legislature passed the 1971 Oklahoma School Code.  It is a chapter in the Oklahoma statutes that gives the governor basically total sovereign control over the state school board.  He can appoint and dismiss members at his will.  This past week, Governor Stitt did just that.  The governor replaced three members of the state school board because test scores haven’t improved and the board seemed more interested in grabbing headlines and creating drama than improving public education.  The three new nominees- Ryan Deathredge of Kingfisher, Michael Tinney of Norman, and Chris VanDehende of Tulsa must be confirmed by the State Senate.

     Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters condemned Stitt’s firing of the board members on social media.  “The governor has joined the swampy political establishment that President Trump is fighting against.  Every Oklahoman should be clear this move undermines Oklahoma kids and parents and an American First agenda,” Walters declared.    Three observations:

     First, Trump attracts self-promoters.  It’s common for successful people to be co-opted.  Leeches, sycophants and toadies, in all walks of life, cling to people of wealth, power or influence to further themselves and their agenda.  It has become popular to invoke Trump and MAGA to excite or build support for a cause.  It is become a never-ending competition to gain credibility and acceptability by flatterers and lackeys.  Instead of provoking, inciting and agitating, Superintendent Walters should focus on reforming Oklahoma education. 

     Second, the state school board should be reformed.  The current appointment process gives the governor sovereign control over education policy in the state.    The board member’s loyalty lies with the governor and they can/will be removed if they don’t do his will.  There is no independence.  With the Superintendent of Public Instruction, an elected official, leading a board with loyalties to another elected official, a clear contradiction exists. 

     Rep. Jacob Rosecrants, (R-Norman) has introduced a bill that proposes the Governor, Speaker of the House and Senate President Pro Tempore get two board appointments each instead of letting the guv have all six.  It has been proposed before and failed.  What is more realistic would be for Oklahoma voters to approve a constitutional amendment in which the State Superintendent of Public Instruction be an appointed position instead of an elective one.  Oklahoma is one of only twelve states who elect a State Superintendent.  That would remove the contradiction and put the sold responsibility of education policy in the state on the shoulders of the governor.

    Third, Oklahoma parents need to take responsibility for their kid’s education.  Instead of blaming government for not schooling their children, they should take equity in teaching their offspring the 3Rs. 

     For years, Oklahoma’s education establishment solution to low test scores was; ‘give us raises and more money.’  That hasn’t resulted in significant improvement in scores.  A combination of parents not paying attention to their child’s education, elected officials focused on peripheral issues, and an education establishment unwilling to change has resulted in Oklahoma’s education subpar results.   

    Sensationism, hype, and puffery incite passion and emotions, but they will not improve Oklahoma’s education system.  Identifying obvious deficiencies and unselfishly working together is the only way change will happen.  It’s unclear if Oklahoma’s elected leaders can put their egos aside for the good of the kids. It’s more fun when drama reigns.

Sunday, February 9, 2025


 Weekly Opinion Editorial


by Steve Fair

      On Monday February 3rd, Governor Kevin Stitt delivered his next to the last State of the State address.  Stitt is term limited and will serve as the Sooner state’s governor until 2026.  The 3,869 word speech was delivered in 36 minutes to a packed chamber of legislators and guests.  The speech can be read in its entirety at:

     Stitt stated goals in 2025 are to, (1) protect Oklahoma taxpayers, (2) make Oklahoma the best in the U.S. to do business, (3) safeguard state’s revenue reserve, (4) defend the Oklahoma way of life. Stitt began the speech by reciting a laundry list of ‘accomplishments’ during his six years as governor and then exhorted the legislature to support his agenda. 

     Quoting Winston Churchill, the governor said, “the price of greatness is responsibility.”  “That means sacrificing now for future benefit.  The reality is there is going to be pain either way- the pain of disciple now, or the pain of regret later,” Stitt said. 

     Stitt said he would cooperate with the Trump administration in deporting illegal aliens who have committed crimes.  He supports students not having access to cell phones while in school and proclaimed his support of school choice.  “The government shouldn’t stand in the way of a parent’s right to educate their children in line with their values,” Stitt said. 

     Citing a recurrent theme Stitt has parroted since he started campaigning for guv back in 2018, he said:  “I am committed to having fewer state employees at the end of my term than when I took office in 2019.” Stitt said. He also announced the creation of DOGE-OK to identify waste, fraud and corruption in state government.  He also wants to cut taxes.  Three observations:

     First, Oklahoma has an office to find waste, fraud and corruption.  The State Auditor and Inspector is an elected official given that responsibility by the state constitution.  An ad hoc committee of private citizens should not circumvent an elected official’s duties.  During the gubernatorial campaign of 2018, Stitt promised to use the Auditor’s office to “audit everything not nailed down.”  Phrases like that resonate with Republicans during an election, but are often forgotten by elected officials after they take office.  Oklahoma doesn’t need an unaccountable to the citizens DOGE when they have the SA&I.  Use the constitutionally created office and stop the grandstanding!

      Second, Oklahomans are overdue for a tax cut.  Stitt pointed out that bordering states are cutting their state income tax rate and have lower rates than the Sooner state.  Oklahoma state government has been collecting much more than they need to operate, which has resulted in record rainy day funds.  Like a kid sent to the store with money, but never gives the change back to his parent, state government has been keeping the change.  It’s time for the taxpayer to keep more of their money.    

     Third, Oklahoma government should help all businesses.  Economic development doesn’t just mean recruiting new business.  It involves helping existing businesses grow and prosper.  Often the zeal to recruit a new business hurts an existing business.  As the old saying goes: “dance with the one who brought you.” 

     Stitt’s consistently stated goal since his campaign of 2018 until now has been to, ‘make Oklahoma a top ten state.’  Every speech or talk includes the same talking points: cutting taxes, rightsizing government, and making the state business friendly- so far unfulfilled campaign promises. 

     Stitt should unleash the SA&I on state government to do performance audits, cut hardworking Oklahomans tax burden, and help existing Oklahoma businesses (not just oil and gas).  That will help Okies avoid the pain of regret!