Monday, September 17, 2007

Political activism goes beyond personal participation in democracy; it involves a concerted effort to promote an agenda. The Democrats have an agenda, as do the Republicans. Each side seeks to achieve its aims by exerting greater pressure on the government than the opposition can muster, using lobbying, campaign contributions, and other power-brokering tools. In recent years, what has spurred many to move from participant to activist has been “faith based” issues. Issues such as the removal of prayer from the classroom, same sex marriage, and abortion. Conservative groups such as the Christian Coalition and others have been established to counter the formidable liberal lobby. It’s reasonable to promote legislation that is in accordance with our faith and seek to return our nation back to the standards established by God. Our country needs to return to the Christian principles it was founded upon. However, conservatives need to be careful that we don’t twist the golden rule to justify our own militancy: “They do it to us, so we can do it to them.” Two wrongs don’t make a right and while others may be able to live with their actions, we should not. To be consistent, Republicans should always take the “high road.”

Christians have long applied the teachings of their faith to their politics. Yet today's political activism is more public. Traditionally, faith-based activism has not been so closely associated with one party. Thirty years ago- before Roe vs. Wade- the Democrats would stand up for the child in the womb and abortion was condemned by both major parties. That’s not the case today. The Democrat national and state platform clearly states their position toward the unborn child. By their pro-abortion stance, they state an unborn child is expendable, disposable, and inconvenient and unnecessary.
Thirty years ago- before same sex marriage was an issue- the Democrats stood up for traditional marriage. That’s not the case today. The Democrat national and state platforms clearly state their support for homosexual unions. Thirty years ago Democrats stood up for the second amendment- the right to keep and bear arms. Today, they are at the forefront of the disarming of honest, law-abiding citizens. The Democrats liberal stand on those issues and others have forced conservative Oklahoma Democrats to change their party affiliation and join the Republican Party. The party’s liberal leaning has also spurred many to activism. But, Democrats weren’t always liberal on faith-based issues.

In the 1940-50s, when America grew into a financial superpower, Christians spread across the political spectrum. They often rallied to their economic allies, such as populists, socialists, and conservatives. Christians such as William Jennings Bryan- a three time Presidential candidate- disagreed with Republicans on issues of business, but was in total agreement on social issues. Beginning with Vietnam, however, the Democrat Party was hijacked by its left wing. It was the Democrats that by their control of Congress and through the national media ultimately forced the United States to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in Vietnam. That coupled by a liberal attitude toward morality moved the Democrats to the left. The Democrats became liberal secularists. Since that time, they have abandoned traditional values, promoted social-economic welfare, a larger government and more taxes.
The Oklahoma Democratic party for years claimed they were more conservative than the national party. But at last year’s Oklahoma State Democratic convention, the delegates approved a platform that was very liberal and mirrored the national platform.
There are two reasons Oklahoma Republicans have gained political activists in recent years. The first is that Oklahoma Democrats have become more liberal in their agenda. Oklahoma Democrat Party leaders openly attack faith-based issues and proudly unfurl their liberal banner. Liberal Oklahoma Democrats are the best recruiting tool conservative Oklahoma Republicans have. Each time, the Democrats reveal their liberal leanings, conservative Christians change party affiliation to Republican and many are spurred to activism.

The second factor that has increased activism is the Republican stance on faith-based issues. The GOP stands for the traditional values that built our nation. Because political issues are now biblical issues, many Christians have moved to the next level in political participation and become engaged in the process.Christians feel at home in the Republican Party, because the GOP believes in the sanctity of life, traditional marriage and the right to keep and bear arms. As Oklahoma Democrats become more liberal, they make it nearly impossible for Bible believing Christians to stay in their party. Because party affiliation is the first vote a person casts, it does matter what party a person is a member of. Party affiliation defines who they are and what they believe. When a person aligns with a party that doesn’t believe what they do, they don’t feel comfortable. Many Oklahoma Democrats don’t feel at home in their own party. They would be more comfortable in the Republican Party because their values and views align more with the Republican platform. Come join us- you’ll feel at home.

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