Thursday, June 26, 2008

Meet the Republican VP Prospect:
Tim Pawlenty
by Brad Haynes- The Wall Street Journal

Joining Tim Pawlenty at a Minnesota event on June 19, John McCain drew further talk that the two-term Gopher State governor might soon ride shotgun on the national ticket. When it comes to loyalty, McCain couldn’t do much better. Pawlenty has backed the senator’s presidential bid since late 2006, became his campaign’s national co-chairman in January 2007 and stuck with the candidate even when his campaign was near collapse last summer.

The son of a Teamster truck driver and the first in his family to attend college, Pawlenty’s blue-collar appeal could help Republicans lock up the white, working-class vote, which Barack Obama struggled with in the primaries. During his first campaign for governor, Pawlenty vowed to make the GOP the party of “Sam’s Club, not just the country club.” Read the entire article at:

1 comment:

Ted said...

With all due respect, Pawlenty, boarrrrring, zzzzzzzzzz, won't even carry MN for McCain.

Here's the future:

McCain/Palin '08

Palin/ ? '12

Dems, eat your heart out!