Sunday, February 12, 2023


 Weekly Opinion Editorual


by Steve Fair

     The State of the Union address has become more of a self-promoting propaganda tool than a report to Congress.  While President Joe Biden wasn’t the first to use the speech to promote political philosophy, he was the first to unveil his campaign tag line.  Repeating, ‘let’s finish the job,’ at least 7 times during his speech, the POTUS hit at least 7 liberal hot button issues.  Here they are in no particular order:

     First and foremost, Biden wants to raise taxes.  “No billionaire should pay less taxes than a firefighter or policeman. The tax plan is not fair,” Biden said.  He is right about it being unfair, but there are not enough billionaires to make his plan work.  Currently the top 1% of wage earners are paying 40% of the total tax burden.  The bottom 50% pay just 2% of the total.  It’s the 49% in the middle who are paying their unfair share.  Neither Party has done a good job of revamping the tax code.    

     Second, Biden wants to give teachers a raise.  Few people believe school teachers are overpaid, but should raises not be tied to results?  Poor outcomes by public educators have been tolerated for decades.  It is past time to have a merit system for teacher pay.  One size doesn’t fit all. 

     Third, Biden wants to help unions organize.  Democrats have lost ground with their once reliable support from unions.  President Trump made inroads with them in the 2016 election.  They saw the failed policies of the Democrats had eroded the once thriving manufacturer base in America.  Biden recognizes Democrats need to get unions back to win.

      Fourth, Biden wants to cut oil and gas consumption.  “We may need gas and oil for the next ten years,” Biden said to laughter in the chamber.  America using a majority of clean energy is decades away from reality, a fact most liberals will concede.  That was why Biden’s remark was met with so many hoots and hollers.

     Fifth, Biden wants to increase regulations on private business. Gas and oil companies top the list of businesses Biden wants to go after.  Citing the price of gas at the pump and food at the shelf, Biden said; “Capitalism without competition is extortion.”  Biden said.  But it’s not.  Extortion is against the law and companies that break the law should be prosecuted, but when you have a limited supply and a high demand, the price must go up to balance out the equation.  Simple economics teaches that high prices are the cure for high prices.  More regs will hurt private business and prolong economic recovery.

     Sixth, Biden wants to limit gun ownership.  Mentioning ‘assault weapons’ as guns he wants to ban, Biden played to the liberal base.  The Second Amendment is just a little too pesky for the Democrats.  While disarming America is their goal,  they fail to acknowledge the issue is not the gun, but the heart of the person misusing the gun.

     Seventh, Biden wants to reverse the reversal of Roe vs. Wade.  Killing babies in the womb is a longtime plank in the Democrat Party platform and one of the major differences in the two Parties.  Biden was obligated to kowtow/grovel to the base on that issue and he checked the box. 

     When Biden said Republican lawmakers wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare, Republicans in the chamber begin to shout and yell.  The POTUS appeared rattled and momentarily got off script, but recovered quickly and got back on message. 

     “Let’s finish the job,” Biden said to conclude the speech. Clearly, this is the ‘theme’ of Biden’s re-election campaign.  Just think- millions of dollars were spent on research with focus groups and advertising professionals to come up with those four words.        

      Americans should finish Biden’s political career by sending him home.  The 80-year-old shuffled in and out of the chamber, looked his age, and his overall appearance did not instill confidence in his cognitive skills.  It’s not just Republicans who want Biden to not seek re-election.  Many Democrats want Biden to be finished, but at this point, they don’t have anyone who is a viable candidate to knock him off in the primary. 

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