Sunday, November 5, 2023

Absolute truth has been traded in for Moral Relativism!

 Weekly Opinion Editorial


by Steve Fair

      A theocrat is a person who rules or governs as a representative of God or a deity.  Contemporary examples of a theocracy are Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia.  Some believe recently elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, (R-LA) is a theocrat.  While asked about his worldview on Fox News Speaker Johnson responded, “Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it.  That’s my worldview.”  According to Marci Hamilton, a liberal political science professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Johnson’s admission he will base important decisions on the Bible proves he will ignore the U.S. Constitution and replace it with a battle of the faithful against the infidels.  Hamilton, who describes herself as a Christian believer, says religion is a ‘leap of faith,’ not susceptible to reasoned discourse.  In other words- there is no absolute truth- relativism.  Three observations:

     First, is a Biblical worldview in a leader incompatible with the Constitution?  The mere fact that question is being asked seems bizarre.  The founders of the United States were overwhelmingly Christian believers.  In a study by the University of Houston on the founders, they found 34% of all the quotes attributed to the founders were from the Bible.  Those men believed the Bible and it guided their life.  Matthews concern about elected officials using their power to establish a state religion mirrors that of the Danbury Baptists.  They sent Thomas Jefferson a letter expressing concern the founders were trying to establish a ‘state’ religion.  Jefferson’ response was each man was free to worship- or not worship- as he sees fit.  The first amendment protects that right. 

     Someone with a biblical worldview believes his primary reason for existence is to love and serve God.  For 200 years, there was little debate that America was founded by Christians based on Christian principles.  But with the growth of secularism in modern culture, absolute truth has been traded in for moral relativism: the teaching that knowledge, truth and morality exist in relation to culture and are not absolute. 

     Second, everyone has a worldview.  A worldview is formed and influenced during childhood and redefined during the young adult years, making it the decision-making outlook through adulthood.  Worldviews are influenced by childhood upbringing, family, religion, friends, geography and education. Johnson is being attacked because he said his worldview was based on the Bible, but every person has a worldview.  A secular humanist believes the material world is all that exists.  A Buddhist believes he can be liberated from suffering by self-purification.  A worldview is a combination of all a person believes to be true.  Their worldview becomes the driving force behind every motion, decision, and action.  Every elected official, regardless of Party affiliation, has a worldview- and a right to it.  A person’s worldview will affect their response in every area of their life.  All 535 members of Congress have a worldview that guides their actions.

     Third, there is no evidence Johnson will govern as a theocrat.  The Speaker is an attorney and a constitutional expert.  He recognizes the Constitution is the founding document that guides America.  While the Christian Bible- and the principles therein- was used as a guide, the founders were clear that Christianity not get preferential treatment.  They insured all theological thought to be given the same treatment in the marketplace of ideas.  Calling Johnson a theocrat is a red herring.   

     In a recent poll by veteran pollster George Barna, those holding a biblical worldview in the U.S.  has fallen to a mere 4%- a drop of a third from three years ago.  Barna said the new lows among American adults could effectively spell the ‘extinction’ of biblical beliefs in our nation.  “When you put the data in perspective, the biblical worldview is shuffling toward the edge of the cliff,” Barna says.  Barna says young people in particular are the most aggressive at rejecting biblical principles in our culture.  In a world of relativism, it’s refreshing to have a leader like Johnson who believes there is still absolute truth. 

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