Monday, March 17, 2008

By Steve Fair
The amazing thing to me is whenever someone criticizes a gay person’s lifestyle, instead of ignoring the criticism and moving on with their life, these militants immediately attack that person for their “intolerance.” The real intolerance is with the homosexuals. They are unwilling to allow anyone to express their opinion- if it differs from their own. They are unwilling to be treated just like anyone else- they want special treatment. They don’t want both sides of the homosexual issue to be discussed- only their tolerance doctrine. They don’t want anyone to tell them the truth because in their own eyes they are enlightened. They have zero tolerance for anyone who disagrees with them. Take for example, their response to State Representative Sally Kern’s statment that homosexuality is hurting our country more than terrorism.

State Representative Sally Kern- R, OKC, was not just expressing her opinion of homosexuality, but Almighty Gods. Any honest Bible student who has the simplest fundamental knowledge of the scripture knows the Bible repeatedly condemns homosexuality. God destroyed cities because of their bent toward homosexuality. Whether the homosexuals choose to accept that truth or not, it makes no difference. In the garden, God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Even the animals in the barnyard are right on this issue. Whether the homosexuals believe the truth or not, it doesn’t change the fact that it is the truth. Their real disagreement is not with Kern, but with God.

Kern has been a consistent voice of reason in protecting our children from the militant gay agenda whose design is to desensitize our children toward the gay lifestyle by presenting it as normal in the public school system. Teaching kids the gay lifestyle is normal is not what most parents in Oklahoma want their children taught, but through effective lobbying efforts, many schools are presenting that very premise in the Sooner state.

Rev. Russell Mark of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, sent Representative Kern a letter that was supposed to remind what it is to be a Christian and how registering to be a Republican is not the same thing as following Jesus Christ's teachings of love and acceptance. The letter is below:

As a Christian I have to ask what kind of god (note the small g- steve)do you worship that you would seek the murder of children? Does your Jesus call you to spread lies, repeat gossip and innuendo about people you don't even know? Does your Jesus teach you to spread hate and to live in fear and teach others to live in fear? So very odd isn't it that your Jesus and my Jesus are so very different. You see, my Jesus teaches the power of love; to confront my enemies face to face; to embrace them and seek to understand them; to find commonality. Out of humility, seek understanding and out of love, to not be afraid. Even in my anger at what you have said, I would seek to understand how you, my sister-in-Christ would say such ignorant, offensive and incitful things. How do you take a few obscure passages and totally ignore all that Christ teaches and seek to bludgeon an entire people? How do you do this and then go to church and worship the Christ who gave everything to reconcile the world? What about bigotry and fear-mongering is Christ-like? How dare you treat the cross with such distain! And how dare you misuse the authority of your office. Be ashamed Representative Kern. Be very ashamed. More than your constituents are watching; God is watching.

Yes, He is watching Mr. Mark and your ignorance of God’s Word is apparent. What Christ teaches in the scripture is clear- that we are totally and completely depraved creatures spiritually. That we in and of ourselves will not seek to worship, serve, or even seek God. That we have nothing within ourselves that make us acceptable to God- That we are completely and utterly dependent on His Grace. That only He can atone for our wickedness. It’s a hopeless situation Mr. Mark- absolutely completely and totally hopeless- that’s the message of Christ.

I assume Mark is using Christ's words from the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5-7 to present his case to Kern. In fact in the Sermon, Christ presents standards no man can live up to and until one is spiritually awakened, they wrongly believe they can fulfill the standards. The great theologian Dr. Martyn Lloyd- Jones said the Sermon on the Mount was one of the most misunderstood passages in scripture. “Too often people see only the practical side of what the Lord was saying, but what He was commanding us to do was impossible to achieve in the flesh.” “The Sermon is one of the most theological passages in the Bible and one of the most condemning.” Mr. Mark, my prayer is that God will open your blinded eyes to His Grace.

Representative Kern needs our prayers and support. May God give her the strength to endure the onslaught of hateful criticism she is getting for speaking the truth.

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