Saturday, September 21, 2024

The values of America are antithetical to Marxism!

 Weekly Opinion Editorial


by Steve Fair

     Marxism is an economic and political system based on the work of German philosopher/economist Karl Marx.  Marx co-authored the 1848 pamphlet, “The Communist Manifesto.  He held the capitalist economic system produces conflict between ‘the ruling class,’ and ‘the working class.’  Capitalists, Marx observed, own the tools and machines workers need to do their jobs. By owning the ‘means of production’, capitalists are able to exploit workers and extract a ‘surplus’ (excess profit).

     Capitalists, says Marx, are parasites. They live off the backs of workers. Marx believed if the working class were in power, they would equally distribute resources, thereby creating a classless society.  He said ownership of ‘private property,’ was the real cause of most social ills. 

     Dr. Donald Harris is the father of Vice President Kamala Harris.  Harris, 86, is a Jamaican born economist and emeritus professor at Stanford University.  The New York Times describes Harris as a ‘prominent critic of mainstream economic theory from the left.” 

     In 1976, Harris wrote, “Capital Accumulation and Income Distribution,” which criticizes capitalism.  Harris subscribes to Marxist economics.  He has taught it for years.  During the recent debate, former President Trump brought up Dr. Harris and his Marxist views, but the statement was largely ignored.  Three observations:

     First, Donald Harris isn’t running for president.  His liberal economic views are not necessarily held by his daughter.  Parents and their offspring often disagree, but kids are clearly influenced by their parent’s views and values.  Voters have a right to know Vice President Harris’ economic philosophy. 

     The Vice President has repeatedly spoke of her mother’s admonition that she (Kamala) didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree.  “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you,” her mother would say.  Kinda like the Okie phrase: ‘the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.’  If Kamala Harris, like her father, subscribes to Marxism- economic or political- voters need to know. 

     Second, Marxism never works.  In every country it has been implemented (China, Russia), it has led to a loss of individual freedom, inhumanity, and economic devastation.  In its attempt to create a ‘classless’ society, a clear hierarchy/oligarchy always emerges to manage/control the working class. 

     The most inaccurate tenet of Marxism is workers under capitalism would be trampled and left in poverty until they threw off their shackles and embraced communism.  The fact is during the Industrial Age in America, the quality of life for ‘the working class’ increased more than every before.   A rising tide lifts all boats. 

   Third, America was founded on personal freedom/liberty. Each individual citizen has the right to make choices and decisions without being unduly interfered with by outside forces.   Americans have the right to privately own property.  Capitalism promotes individual initiative and ambition, allowing people to enjoy the fruits of their labor.    

     Last week, Vice President Harris was a guest on Oprah.  In the hourlong interview, Winfrey didn’t ask one tough question.  During the lovefest/cuddle, Harris spoke in clichés and platitudes.  She stated, “We have the freedom to be.”  What does that mean?  Ophrah should have asked if that ‘freedom to be’ applied to the unborn, since abortion was the most discussed topic. 

     America didn’t fall out of a coconut tree.  The United States is a culmination of 248 years of sacrifice and determination by extraordinary people.  It is the greatest country on earth.  Harris admits she is a product of her past, which should give voters pause.  The values of America are antithetical to Marxism.  Voters beware! 

1 comment:

James L. said...

Steve, you plainly state that Kamala Harris and her father may have differing ideals, yet you swiftly conclude by saying "Voters beware". Beware of what? She isn't campaigning on a Marxist revolution platform to replace capitalism. How would she even accomplish that given that, if elected, the Democratic Party would be unlikely to win a majority in both chambers of Congress? Who cares if she had a softball interview with Oprah?

Do you scrutinize her major opponent in the election this way? Look at his past. The Trump Organization was sued in 1973 for housing discrimination. In more recent years, he was proven liable for sexual assault, found guilty of 34 felony counts related to falsification of business records, sued for seeking to overturn the 2020 election results, and investigated for harboring classified documents.

You're telling your readers that Kamala's father's views on Marxism should give voters pause? Trump's father was in the KKK, or was at least KKK-adjacent because the man was arrested for it. That is a fact that you can look up and verify.

We have seen what a Trump presidency would be like. We saw his signature legislation on building a border wall fall through even with a bicameral majority. We saw his repeal and replace plan for healthcare suffer from his Congress voting against the repeal and his administration from providing a replacement bill. We saw corporate tax rates slashed from 35% to 21% and an $8 trillion budget deficit added in his single term.

How can you post such an obtuse piece that merely connects the Democratic candidate to a political boogeyman while ignoring the documented actions of her opponent?