Sunday, September 15, 2024

There is only one omniscient being and He isn’t running for office.

 Weekly Opinion Editorial


by Steve Fair


     The contentious nature of politics turns off most people.  Civility and respect for differing opinions are considered weak attributes in public affairs.  Passion, anger and confrontation are deemed stellar characteristics.  In a recent poll by Statista Research, just 16% of Americans think Congress is doing a good job and over 60% think President Biden is doing a good job.  Citizens mistakenly believe getting involved in politics accomplishes little.  They think all engaged in politics are liars and crooks, but that is not true.  Three observations:

     First, there are principled people engaged in politics.  There are plenty of reprobates, rascals and scalawags involved in what Ronald Reagan called the world’s second oldest profession.  But there are trustworthy, high-minded, honorable politicians as well.  Lumping all elected officials into the same category is unwise and imprudent.  Citizens should judge each elected official on how they govern.  Separating the sheep from the goats can be challenging. 

     Second, Christians should be involved in politics.  That is a controversial statement.  Many theologians claim the temporal nature of politics distracts believers from the eternal (Gospel) and therefore they should not engage in political involvement.  All Christians are political whether they realize it or not.  God set up human government and ordained its authority.  Christians should be involved in the culture and community.  Christ commanded believers to be the salt and light of the world.  Political involvement is Biblical stewardship. 

     The problem comes when Christian political activists and elected officials adopt secular tactics to further a political agenda.  Nowhere is a believer told to use situational ethics to advance a program.  They should labor and God then gives the increase.  Those misguided zealots violate the very values they claim they hold.  That inconsistency gives fellow believers pause when they consider engaging in politics and that is a terrible loss to the process and the country. 

     Third, no human being knows everything.  There is only one omniscient being and He isn’t running for office.  The arrogance and egotism in elective politics has escalated in recent years.  Self-promoting, boasting, and swager are necessary qualities for a candidate.  Exaggeration, sensationalism, and hyperbole rule.  Humility, meekness and modesty are non-existent in today’s public square. Every politician knows the answer to every question.  In the past, admitting ignorance wasn’t considered a weakness, but the modern politico bluffs their way to victory.

     What is a Christian to do in regard to politics: (1) Do not compromise Biblical values to further a cause.  When a believer uses worldly tactics in politics, it reveals a lack of faith in the sovereignty of God.  He sets up leaders and no election result catches Him by surprise.  (2) Get involved in politics.  At the very least, a believer should be a faithful voter.  Involvement can mean political activism or running for office.  Christians should pay attention to what their elected officials are doing.  What is their worldview?  How they view basic human nature will dictate how they govern.  (3) Pray for those in authority.  The most effective lobbying is asking God to move on the heart of an elected official.  God can change their mind/heart more effectively than a yelling constituent.

     In 50 days, Americans will go to the polls.  Those on both political spectrums are claiming the future of America is dependent on their candidate winning, but no matter what the outcome- God has this!  He sets up leaders- and brings them down. 

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